gross domestic product(GDP) - the dollar amount of all final goods and services produced in a country in a given year
gross national product/income (GNP)/(GNI) - total value of all goods and services produced in a country in a year by the citizens, regardless on where the citizens are or live when money is earned
remittances - the profits from a foreign-owned company were leaving and going back to their home country
per capita - each country’s total output can be divided by the country’s total population, which makes an amount per person
purchasing power parity (PPP) - a measure of what similar goods cost in different countries
formal sector - portion of the economy that is monitored by the government
informal sector - the portion of the economy not monitored by the government
gini coefficient - a measure of inequality in income distribution, where 0 is perfect equality and 1 is perfect inequality
gender inequality index - a composite measure of several factors indicating gender disparity
reproductive health - includes maternal mortality rates and adolescent fertility rates
empowerment - includes the share of government seats held by each gender and the proportion of adult females and males with at least some secondary education
labor market participation - includes labor force participation rate of female and male populations aged 15 years and older
human development index (HDI) - a composite index of development that combines GNI per capita with life expectancy, expected years of schooling and average years of schooling
gender gap - differences in privileges afforded to males and females
in the US, if a man and woman do the same job, a man would typically make a salary that is 17.5 percent higher than a woman
non-government organizations (NGOs) - organizations that are not part of the government but work to help people in need
microcredit/microfinance - provide loans to women to start or expand a business