“We are members of one body. We are responsible foreach other… if men will not learn that lesson, then they will be taught it in fire and blood and anguish” – Inspector Goole, Act III
This is the Inspector’s most significant and weighty statement in the play and Priestley warns of the dire consequences of evading social responsibility
The language here is carefully composed and moralistic in tone
The use of violent imagery and metaphor is powerful and suggests impending conflict
Priestley warns the audience (and society) of the consequences of evading social responsibility
“... a man has to make his own way—has to look after himself—and his family, too"– Arthur Birling, Act I
This quote reveals Arthur Birling’s self-centredness and his narrow-minded view of society
His vocabulary reveals his sense of individualism as he believes that everyone should be responsible for themselves and their family and is devoid of any sympathy for those less fortunate than himself
“A man has to…” alludes to his patriarchal values, that men should have more power and privilege than women
“Public men, Mr Birling, have responsibilities as well as privileges” – Inspector Goole, Act II
As Arthur (and Sybil) hold prominent positions within society, the Inspector suggests they have an even greater duty of care toward others
Birling’s hypocritical views about personal responsibility are unfitting for a character who has held prominent public positions
While the Inspector alludes to ideas of “responsibility”, Arthur also repeatedly uses this word though he interprets responsibility in a very different way
“Working together, for lower costs and higher prices” – Arthur Birling, Act I
Arthur’s priorities are those of business and he believes he needs to make as much profit as possible, regardless of the consequences
He has no sense of responsibility or concern that his workers may need higher wages to live
He believes his wages are fair and treats the pay strike at his factory with contempt for it threatens his profits
“but these girls aren’t cheap labour - they’re people” – Sheila Birling, Act I
Although Sheila appears somewhat self-interested at the beginning of Act I, there are early indications (as evident in this quote) that she is a caring character
This quote reveals her sensitive nature and her compassion and empathy for others less fortunate than herself
The use of the word ‘but’ shows how she has interrupted and challenged her father’s views here and as the play progresses, her dialogue increasingly demonstrates an assertiveness towards her parents
“Everything’s all right now, Sheila” – Gerald Croft, Act III
Offering the ring again to Sheila at the end of the play suggests Gerald has not learned anything from the Inspector
The use of the adverb ‘now’ shows that he believes that it is possible for everything to return to normal
When Gerald realises there are no consequences for his behaviour, he no longer cares
As Gerald falls between the younger and older generations, the audience will have hoped that he would have redeemed himself, but by the end of the play he reverts to his original stance
“I’m very sorry. But I think she had only herself to blame” – Sybil Birling, Act II
Sybil is portrayed as one of the least compassionate characters in the play
She refuses to express any guilt for their treatment of Eva
She continues to fail to see or acknowledge that she has done anything wrong
The older generation is sharply contrasted with the younger generation, as they are able to demonstrate their capacity for change and accept their social responsibility
"Girls of that class" – Sybil Birling, Act II
Sybil makes incorrect assertions about the working classes and views them as morally and socially inferior
She ignorantly links class with morality and cannot believe Eva, as a working-class girl, would refuse stolen money
Sybil’s hypocritical stance means she overlooks her own selfish and immoral actions and others belonging to her class
“I was in that state when a chap easily turns nasty” - Eric Birling, Act III
While an audience may view Eric as a sympathetic character, his treatment of Eva reveals how he has also abused her
Eric hints at the potential for sexual violence and reveals Eva did not want him to enter her room until he became ‘nasty’ and issued a threat
This quote exposes the vulnerability of women who can be easily exploited by wealthy men like Eric
“I did keep agirllast summer. I’ve admitted it. And I’m sorry Sheila.” – Gerald Croft, Act II
The three-part list in this quote suggests Gerald feels that it is all over and done with and he and Sheila can simply move on
During his confession, Gerald he appears more concerned that his affair has been discovered, rather than having betrayed his fiancée
Gerald’sconfession of having a mistress is overlooked by Arthur and Sybil