Give reason FOR on why couples are more equal today?
- Symmetrricalfamily
- Newman
- Sullivanstudy
What is the symmetrical family
Families have become more symmetrical, with jointconjugal roles , both in paidwork and help with childcare
Who talks about the symmetrical family
Young and Willmott
What view do Young and Willmott take of the family?
March of progress view
What evidence is there to support Young and Willmott amd their view on the symmetrical family?
Sullivan analysis of nationallyrepresentative collected in 1975 , 1987 and 1997 found a trend towards women doing a smaller share of the dome work and men doing more. Her analysis also showed an increase in the number or couples with an equal division of labour and that men were participating more in traditional'women' tasks
What are the reasons for the increase in symmetrical families?
Changes in attitudes to the traditional division of labour: For example the British social attitudessurvey (2013) found a fall in the number of people who think it is the mans job to earn money and the women job to look after the home and family. In 198445% men agreed with this view in 2012 only 13% of men agreed
What is the 'new man'?
In the 1980s the phrase New Man came about to describe men who were caring , helps with housework , childcare and rejectssexist attitudes
what is evidence supporting the 'New man'
ManYeeKan:Younger men do more housework
Give reasons AGAINST on the view that couples are more equal today
- Feministview
- Dual Burden
- Triple shift
- Myth of the 'New man
What is the feminist view on the equality in the division of domestic labour?
They argue there is still little sign of the 'new man' who does an equal share of house work and childcare , while women now carry a dualburden.
What is the dual burden?
Women are responsible for paidwork and unpaidhousework
What is evidence that supports the feminists view
A survey found that in 2012 men spent 10 hours on care for family members , however women spent 23 hours. Therefore women did twice as much as men and 60% of women felt this division of labour was unjust because they were doing more than their fair share.
Who talked about the triple shift?
Duncombe and Marsden
What is the triple shift?
Women are responsible for paidwork , unpaid housework and also emotion work
What are the explanations for the gender division of labour?
Crompton and Lynette identified two different explanations for the u equal division of labour
- Culturalexplanation of inequality
- Materialexplanation of inequality
What is the cultural explanation of inequality?
In this view , division of labour is determined by patriarchalnorms and values that shape the gender roles in our culture. Women perform more domestic labour simply because that is what society expects them to do and has socialised them to do
What is the material explanation of inequality?
In this view , the fact that women generally earn less than men means is it economicallyrational for women to do more of the housework and childcare while men spend more of their time earning money
What is evidence supporting the cultural explanation?
Dunne found that lesbian couples had more symmetrical relationships because of the absence of traditional heterosexual 'genderscripts' , that is , norms that set out the different gender roles and women are expected to play
What is evidence supporting the material explanation?
Kan found that for every £10000 a year more a women earns , she does 2 hours less of housework per week