plant cells

Cards (3)

  • cell wall
    = supports the cell and stops it from bursting.
    • made of cellulose= allows wall to be flexible and strong.
    • thin layer called middle lamella= marks boundary between adjacent cell walls and cements adjacent cells together.
    • contains pores called plasmodesmata= to allow water to pass.
    • protects the cell from invading pathogens.
  • chloroplast
    = trap light energy which is used in photosynthesis for the production of carbohydrates/sugars for the plant.
    • stroma= fluid enclosed in chloroplast, contains enzymes.
    • thylakolds= flaterned sacs.
    • granum= several thylakolds stacked together.
    • contains own DNA and ribosomes to make proteins for photosynthesis.
  • permanent vacuole 

    = contains a solution of mineral salts, sugars, amino acids and waste.
    • makes cell turgid.
    • sugars and amino acids act as temporary food stores.
    • single membrane around is called tonoplast= selectively permeable.