War Photographer

Cards (11)

  • Context
    • reference to famous photo of a girl in a napalm attack
    • Poet is bitter about the indifferent way in which people view modern welfare through newspaper
  • Structure
    > Futile repetition and continuation of past mistakes
    > Poem ends on sad note
    Religious imagery in first stanza
    > Importance of photographers job
    6 line stanza and rhyming
    > reflects orderly process
    Mid line rhyme
    > "tears" and "beers"
    > Quickens pace to show how fast we move on and forget
    > e.g "rural England" Separated by two full stops, reflects how society easily separated from reality of war
  • "As though this were a church and he a priest"
    Religious simile
    > parallel between a priest and war photographer- both exposed to death and suffering
    > Significance of photographers work
    > Sombre tone
    > Church- is a place of repent, reflection and contemplation
    > Priest- figure of authority and moral guidance
    > Comparing highlights moral and ethical responsibilities
    > witnesses of atrocities of war
  • Carol and Duffy

    Poet born in 1955, currently the Poet Laureate (first female and first openly bisexual Poet Laureate)
  • War photographer poem published

  • Carol and Duffy was friends with Don McCullen and Philip Jones Griffiths, famous war photographers
  • Carol and Duffy was more interested in the dilemma of the war photographer, rather than the specific images
  • "all flesh is grass"

    Historic Intertextual reference to the bible
    > Highlighting fragility of life
    > Something people have been writing for thousands and years and yet we still ignore it
  • "Belfast. Beruit. Phnom Penh."
    > Gun fire pace
    > Disrupts peace from before
    > breaks up lines
    > Forces to stop and think about the war torn countries
    > Criticises how we don't stop about the reality of war
  • "Half-formed ghost"

    Ambiguous tone
    > link to mutilation
    > memory, not fully remembered
  • "they do not care"

    Ambiguity- who is "they"
    > is it public?
    > wider world apathetic approach
    > Readers who read and quickly move on and forget