
Cards (16)

  • Childhood
    A social construct
  • Childhood (modern Western notion)

    • Separateness from adults
    • Children occupy a separate status from adults
  • Cross-cultural differences in childhood
    • Children in rural Bolivia expected to take work responsibilities without question from age 5
    • Among the Tikopia, doing as told by an adult is not a right to be expected by the adult (obedience)
    • Samoan adults tolerant and amused by children's sexual explorations
    • In Samoan village, 'too young' never given as reason for not permitting a child to undertake a task
  • Historical differences in childhood

    • In Middle Ages, idea of childhood did not exist
    • From 13th century, childhood began to emerge and schools specialised in educating the young
    • Distinction between adult and child clothing emerged (modern)
  • Reasons for changes in position of children
    • Laws restricting child labour (children became economic liability, dependent on parents)
    • Introduction of compulsory schooling (similar effect as above)
    • Child protection and welfare legislation
    • Declining family size, lower infant mortality rate (encouraged greater financial and emotional investment in a child)
  • Childhood is disappearing

    Influenced by the media
  • Information hierarchy
    • Sharp division between adults who can read and children who cannot
    • Gave adults power to keep knowledge about sex, money, violence, illness, death and other adult matters a secret from children
    • TV blurs the distinction between adults and children by destroying the information hierarchy (innocence of childhood replaced by knowledge)
  • Killers of James Bulger
    • Bad upbringing
    • Exposed to seeing pornography and violence
    • Had knowledge of adult matters, so adult and child boundary broken
  • Childhood is not disappearing, research shows strong evidence of continued existence of separate child culture
  • Childhood
    Not disappearing but changing as society moves from modernity to postmodernity
  • Giving children DVDs
    • Good sign of parenting (could also be seen as capitalism by Marxists)
  • Views on whether the position of childhood has improved

    • New Right blames single mothers, sees things as too liberal, fears cohabitation
    • March of Progress view (Aries and Shorter) - children now more valued, better cared for, protected and educated, enjoy better healthcare and have more rights, family is now more child-centred
    • Criticism of March of Progress (Firestone) - many things seen as care and protection are new forms of oppression and control
  • Toxic childhood

    • Rapid technological and cultural changes have damaged children's physical, emotional and intellectual development
  • Age patriarchy

    • Adult domination that keeps children subordinate (controlling what they can and can't do)
  • Boys more likely to be allowed to go out after dark
  • New Sociology of Childhood

    Views childhood as constructed by social processes, but sees children as active agents who play a part in creating their own childhoods (not just passive objects)