Children in rural Bolivia expected to take work responsibilities without question from age 5
Among the Tikopia, doing as told by an adult is not a right to be expected by the adult (obedience)
Samoan adults tolerant and amused by children's sexual explorations
In Samoan village, 'too young' never given as reason for not permitting a child to undertake a task
Historical differences in childhood
In Middle Ages, idea of childhood did not exist
From 13th century, childhood began to emerge and schools specialised in educating the young
Distinction between adult and child clothing emerged (modern)
Reasons for changes in position of children
Laws restricting child labour (children became economic liability, dependent on parents)
Introduction of compulsory schooling (similar effect as above)
Child protection and welfare legislation
Declining family size, lower infant mortality rate (encouraged greater financial and emotional investment in a child)
Childhood is disappearing
Influenced by the media
Information hierarchy
Sharp division between adults who can read and children who cannot
Gave adults power to keep knowledge about sex, money, violence, illness, death and other adult matters a secret from children
TV blurs the distinction between adults and children by destroying the information hierarchy (innocence of childhood replaced by knowledge)
Killers of James Bulger
Bad upbringing
Exposed to seeing pornography and violence
Had knowledge of adult matters, so adult and child boundary broken
Childhood is not disappearing, research shows strong evidence of continued existence of separate child culture
Not disappearing but changing as society moves from modernity to postmodernity
Giving children DVDs
Good sign of parenting (could also be seen as capitalism by Marxists)
Views on whether the position of childhood has improved
New Right blames single mothers, sees things as too liberal, fears cohabitation
March of Progress view (Aries and Shorter) - children now more valued, better cared for, protected and educated, enjoy better healthcare and have more rights, family is now more child-centred
Criticism of March of Progress (Firestone) - many things seen as care and protection are new forms of oppression and control
Toxic childhood
Rapid technological and cultural changes have damaged children's physical, emotional and intellectual development
Age patriarchy
Adult domination that keeps children subordinate (controlling what they can and can't do)
Boys more likely to be allowed to go out after dark
New Sociology of Childhood
Views childhood as constructed by social processes, but sees children as active agents who play a part in creating their own childhoods (not just passive objects)