The consumption and sharing of information, increasing through social media and other communications technology
There are well-understood psychological limits on our capacity to process information
As information proliferation increases
It creates an attentional bottleneck, favoring information that is more likely to be searched for, attended to, comprehended, encoded, and later reproduced
Information-rich environments
They influence the evolution of information via four forces of cognitive selection:
Selection for belief-consistent information
Leads balanced information to support increasingly polarized views
Selection for negative information
Amplifies information about downside risks and crowds out potential benefits
Selection for social information
Drives herding, impairs objective assessments, and reduces exploration for solutions to hard problems
Selection for predictive information
Drives overfitting, the replication crisis, and risk seeking
The cognitive life cycle of information provides a framework for understanding how cognitive selection shapes the evolution of information as it progresses from one mind to the next
Information proliferation influences the evolution of information by:
Misinformation has an advantage in competitive environments because it is freed from the constraints of being truthful, allowing it to adapt to cognition's biases for distinctive and emotionally appealing information
Lies proliferate faster than the truth
Faster generation times accelerate adaptation
Cognitive selection can produce beneficial outcomes by selecting for valuable information, but the focus here is on selective forces that drive unwanted outcomes of information proliferation, such as extremism, hysteria, herding, and misinformation
Belief-consistent selection encompasses tendencies to seek out, encode in memory, and reproduce information consistent with prior beliefs
Giving people balanced information on ideological issues frequently leaves them more polarized
When like-minded people share views - even when they all have the same information - these views tend to be held with more confidence
As information proliferation increases
Belief-consistent selection becomes more prevalent
Algorithms personalize information and avoid belief-inconsistent information through recommender systems and search engines guided by browser history
On social media, tendencies for in-group selection lead to filter bubbles and echo chambers that further reduce individual exposure to information diversity even as they increase diversity across social media as a whole
Groupthink has been blamed for numerous political and economic fiascos
Information proliferation now extends the capacity for groupthink globally, organizing and polarizing groups from political ideologues to international terrorists