Cards (99)

  • Simple Secrets of Family Communication- a young mother found release in “talk”.
  • Rhea Zakich - an author, speaker, workshop, and seminar leader.
  • Nodules - small lumps on a part of the body
  • Coaxing - persuading someone to do something by using gentle and friendly methods.
  • Drifting - a slow and gradual movement or change from one place to another.
  • Desperate - very sad and upset because of having little or no hope.
  • Shrank - became smaller in amount.
  • Verdict - judgement or opinion about something.
  • Revert - to come or go back.
  • Sabotage - act of destroying something deliberately so it does not work correctly.
  • Slink - move in a way that does not attract attention.
  • Smear - a dirty mark made by touching or rubbing something.
  • Bertrand Russell - British philosopher and mathematican. An expert in the science of logic.
  • Thither - to that place; there
  • Ecstasy - a state of very great happiness
  • Unfathomable - impossible to understand
  • Abyss - bottomless gulf or pit
  • Mystic - mysterious
  • Flux - series of changes
  • Ungame - game that Rhea developed.
  • Pythagorean - group professing to be followers of the Greek Philosopher, Phytagoreas.
  • Reverberate - become filled with sounds.
  • Oppressors - group of people who are cruel.
  • Alleviate - make something less painful/difficult/ or severe.
  • Language of Campaigns - denotes a series of activities designed to produce a particular result.
  • Language of Advocacies - denotes acts or processes of supporting a cause or proposal.
  • Blitz - sudden attack or effort to stop or end something
  • Bandwagon - a popular activity; attracts growing support
  • Campaign - series of activities designed to produce a particular result.
  • Crusade - major effect to change something.
  • Juggernaut - something extremely large and powerful and cannot be stopped
  • push - to force or try to persuade to do something.
  • Movement - a series of organized activities working toward an objective
  • cause - reason for action or condition
  • drive - press or force into an activity, cause, or direction.
  • Advocacy - act or process of supporting a cause or proposal.
  • Enthused - showed enthusiasm
  • Zest - lively excitement
  • Intense - very strong
  • Visualize - form a mental picture