PE paper 2

Cards (82)

  • skill : a learned action or a behaviour with the intention of bringing about expected results with maximum outlay of time and energy
  • ability : is inherited stable trait that determine an individuals potential to learn or acquire a skill
  • open skills are affected by the environment e.g. a pass in football
  • closed skill is not affected by the surrounding environment or the performers within it e.g. a penalty kick in football
  • basic skills is simple require little thought and do not need much information to be processed like running
  • complex skills are difficult, require thought and concentration and require a lot of information to be processed like passing a baton in a relay race
  • self paced skills : skill is started when the performer decides to start it e.g. bowling in cricket
  • externally paced skills : the skill is started because of an external factor like receiving a serve in tennis
  • gross skills : use big, strong and powerful movements and involve large muscle groups e.g. a tackle in rugby
  • fine skills : use small and precise movements and need high levels of accuracy and co ordination e.g. a short putt in golf
  • performance goals : focus on performance not results e.g. I will use the correct grip every time I play a backhand drive in my next tennis match. it doesn`t require comparison with other performers, the athletes performance will increase and performance goals are more motivating
  • outcome goals : rely on the end result e.g. winning a match. the can motivate more advanced players to achieve a desired result. however, some performers become to focus on the end result they don`t focus on their performance
  • S = specific M = measurable A = accepted R = realistic T = time bound
  • information processing : input, the information received from the display via selective attention. decision making, the selection of an appropriate response using the information 'input' and that stored in the memory. output, information you send to your muscles to carry out the response. feedback, a review of your response this can be intrinsic or extrinsic
  • visual guidance : when the performer is shown the skill. this can be by a video, pictures or a demonstration. the performers can copy the movement and can be used in groups but the demonstration may be incorrect and complex moves are difficult to copy and recognise
  • verbal guidance : when the performer is told information about how to complete the correct technique. instructions can be given quickly, can be used mid performance and no equipment needed but some movements are hard to explain, communication may not be clear enough to understand
  • manual guidance : when a coach physically supports or moves the performer to help them get into the correct position. performer can get a fee of the correct technique, builds confidence but performer may become dependent on the support and movement being shown may be incorrect
  • mechanical guidance : where a coach uses equipment to support the performer to aid technique. build confidence and reduces danger but feeling is not the same as actually doing it unaided and the performer may become dependent on the support
  • knowledge of results : focuses on whether you won or not
  • knowledge of performance : focuses on the way the skill is carried out
  • arousal : a physical and mental state of alertness or readiness varying from deep sleep to intense alertness
  • inverted U theory
    A) arousal
    B) performance
  • as arousal increases so does performance up to a optimum point
  • mental rehearsal : it involves mentally imaging themselves performing a skill before doing it
  • deep breathing : to slow down heart rate and regain focus
  • positive self talk : if you become over aroused positive self talk can regain arousal
  • direct aggression : involves physical contact with others to cause physical harm to gain an advantage
  • indirect aggression : does not involve physical contact. could be against on object or a nasty comment . harm is more mental not physical
  • introvert : shy and quiet and do individual low arousal sports like running
  • extrovert : sociable and loud and plays team high arousal sports like rugby
  • intrinsic motivation : motivation that comes from within like pride, self satisfaction
  • extrinsic motivation : motivation that relies on tangible rewards like prizes, money and praises
  • engagement patterns : parents, siblings, friends, social media and accesibility
  • commercialisation : to manage or exploit a organisation or sport in a way designed to make profit. like sponsorship and media
  • sponsorship : a sponsor is an individual or group that provides support in the form of sponsorship ; in return that can get their product seen by millions
  • media : media are diversified technologies that act as the main means of mass communication including newspapers, tv and radio and Instagram
  • commercialisation for the sponsor : media can show products in advertisement during breaks in play and raises awareness of brands, leading to increase sales but the media may not get a high number of viewers and the company does not get the amount of exposure they wanted
  • commercialisation for the sport : raises awareness of sport to help increases participation and higher profile of the sport = more commercial interest but there are breaks in sport for advertisement and negative reporting bay give sport a bad image
  • commercialisation for the officials : sponsors can [provide kit, media can support decisions but they have to wear the sponsors logo and under a spotlight all decisions can be replayed, so poor are highlighted, undermining the official
  • commercialisation for the player : can be paid millions to endorse products and can receive top quality products to help performance but withdrawal of sponsorship can cause financial difficulties and there may be pressure to win at all cost to keep sponsorship