Life Cycle of Other Trematodes (GENERALIZED)
1. Egg is passed through the feces, urine, and sputum and is either embryonated or unembryonated
2. If unembryonated, it is embryonated in the external environment
3. The operculum of the egg opens, releasing the miracidium, the infective stage to the first intermediate host
4. Inside the body of the first intermediate host, miracidium loses its cilia and becomes sporocyst
5. Sporocyst matures to become redia
6. Redia feeds on other trematodes inside the first intermediate host
7. Redia matures to become cercaria
8. Cercaria is the infective stage to the second intermediate host
9. Inside the second intermediate host, cercaria loses its tail and encysts in the muscles to become metacercaria, the infective stage to the definitive host
10. Ingested metacercaria matures into adults inside the definitive host and the cycle continues