Life Cycle of Paragonimus westermani
1. Raw or undercooked crablets is eaten by humans
2. Humans ingest metacercaria from the second intermediate host. The encysted metacercaria from the tissue of the ingested second intermediate host excyst in the duodenum of the definitive host
3. Metacercaria migrates to the lungs, becomes adults, and lay eggs
4. Eggs can be expectorated through the sputum, or excreted in the feces
5. Eggs are released to external environment, becomes embryonated, and eventually releases miracidium
6. Miracidium infects the first intermediate host (snail), where once it penetrates the skin, it loses its cilia and becomes a sporocyst
7. Sporocyst undergo asexual reproduction, becomes redia
8. Redia bursts, releasing cercaria into the environment
9. Free-swimming cercaria infects second intermediate host where it encyst in the tissues to become metacercaria
10. Humans (definitive host) ingest infected secondary intermediate host and metacercaria excysts in the duodenum, migrates in the body and matures into an adult and the cycle continues