Christianity and Buddhism quotes

Cards (30)

  • "In the beginning God created..."

    "The heavens and the earth"
  • "Be fruitful..."
    "And increase in number"
  • "Whoever believes in him..."

    "Shall not perish, but have eternal life"
  • "Meditation brings wisdom..."
    "Lack of meditation leaves ignorance"
  • "Our present thoughts..." Buddhism

    "Build our life of tommorow "
  • "Selflessness, mindfulness, compassion and..."

    "Wisdom are the essence of Buddhism"
  • "We should keep our relationship very gentle and..."
    "Non-violent to the natural environment"
  • "All events in life are..."

    "So intimately linked with the fate of others"
  • "The noble 8 fold path..."

    "Leading to the cessation of suffering"
  • "Keep the shrine clean and..."
    "Replenished with considered a skilful activity"
  • What is a prayer?
    Communicating with God to help strengthen their relationship and to give them strength.
  • What is worship?
    Act of religious praise, honour or devotion to show their deep love for God and to ask for forgiveness.
  • "do not be overcome by evil..." Christianity

    "but overcome evil with good"
  • "if one part suffers..." Christianity

    "every part suffers with it"
  • "love with words and peace..." Christianity

    "but with actions and in truth"
  • "therefore go and make..."

    "disciples of all nations"
  • "even the gods envy ..." Buddhism 

    "those intent on meditation"
  • What are celebrations for the holy communion like in Orthodox churches?
    It is called the divine liturgy and is believed to create heaven on earth, is held at an altar behind the iconstasis and the priest uses the Royal Doors.
  • What are the celebrations of the holy communion like in Catholic churches?
    Believe the bread and wine turn into the body and blood of Christ and 3 Bible readings are said as well as prayers for the Church, local community and the world.
  • What do tearfund do?
    Works with 90,000 churches around the world to reduce poverty and supplies aid after natural disasters.
  • What is the Community of the cross of nails?
    An organisation at Coventry Cathedral that works to bring harmony and peace.
  • "For the love of money..."Christianity 

    "Is the root of all kinds of evil"
  • "If anyone slaps you on the right cheek..."

    "Turn them to the other cheek also"
  • "You shall..."
    "Not murder"
  • "Any use of nuclear weapons would..."

    "Violate the sanctity of life"
  • Who made the just war theory?
    Augustine and Thomas Aquinas
  • "For all who draw the sword..."

    "Die by the sword"
  • "Blessed..."

    "Are the peacemakers"
  • Buddhism "when another person makes you suffer..."

    "It is because he suffers deeply within himself"
  • Christianity "I tell you that anyone who..."
    "Looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery"