following abduction and murder in July 2000 of 8yearsoldSarahby a wellknownpaedophile
they collaborated with NewsoftheWorld
What were Sarah’s Laws aims?
allowparents,carer’s and others to ask police if convictedsex offender has contactwith a specific child
police will then reveal the informationifitsinthechild’s interest.
How did News of the World play a role in Sarah’s Law?
Was central to campaignssuccess
July 2000 it named and shamed50 people it claimed were paedophiles
paperpromised it would carryon with this untilallpaedo’s were named in Britain
it helpedpersuadegovernment into making the ChildSexoffenderdisclosure scheme
Why was Sarah’s Law successful?
led to 600inquires
Powers were appliednation wide
led to disclosurescheme
What were the concerns with Sarah’s Law?
Even if a personaskspoliceif someone their child has contact with has a childsex offencerecord,police are notobliged to discloseinformation and will onlyshare if they judge that the child is atrisk of harm
disclosureacts as a safeguard
Where did Justice for Michael’s campaign originate from?
Michael was 20 when he was assaulted in 1992
He died after being in a coma for 22months
the assaulter could only be charged with GBH and was jailed for 2 yrs - he was freebeforeMichaeldied
This campaign was around when the yearand a dayrule was around
What is the year and a day rule?
Datedback to 1278
If victim was assaulted but lived for a year and a day
attacker could not be tried for manslaughter or murder
What was Northern Echo’s role in Justice for Michael campaign?
launched a petition for people to sign so the yearandadayrule can be scrapped
the echopublished a photo of Michael in a coma and thousands of readerssigned the petition
Was Justice for Michael campaign successful?
1994,localMP’sintroduced a bill into the House of commons to scrap the yearandadayrule but wasdefeated
NorthernEcho‘spetition to the lawcommissioncaused the yearandadayrule to be reformedin1996