a group of people who are related by blood or by law. A household is the people that live together is the house or accommodation
Where a couplelivetogether but are not married
The nuclear Family
Consists of twoparents, a mother, a father and their children. It is also known as the cereal packet family.
Extended Family
Families with otherfamily members living with them. There are two types of extended families; horizontal and vertical.
Vertical Families
when grandparents live in a household. THis is because different generations live in the home. Grandparents and children.
Horizontal Families
when there are twogenerations such as cousins, uncles and aunts living together or nearby
Beanpole Family
A Beanpole family is a multi-generational family that is long and thin with few aunts, uncles and grandparents. This is a result of extended life expectancy and fewerchildren being born.
when childrenmove back in with parents due to financialcostofliving, common to move back after uni. It is hard to get back on the propertyladder
Sandwich Family
When a couple in their 30s/40s are looking after their own children and their elderlyparents. They always lived together.
Empty shell marriage
where a couple continues to live under the same roof but as separateindividuals.
Families are becoming , more diverse in Britain today. THe nuclear family is now one of many types
Willmott And young
Conjugalroles became more symmetrical in the 1970s. Women and men shared the responsibilities of their domesticpartnership in terms of work, householdduties and child care
Ann Oakley
Criticizes WIllmottand Young arguing women suffer from dual burden.Children are taught that men and women have different places in the world and that the male role is superior
Robbert Chester
Disagrees with Rapoports, arguing that the nuclear family is still the main family type
George Murdock
THe family still exists in all societies he studied, either as a nuclear family or based on a nuclear family and it provides 4importantfunctions which are: Economic, Educational, reproductive and sexual.