Life cycle of Dipylidium caninum
1. Cats and dogs have fleas in their fur
2. If the infect flea is ingested by cats/dogs, the encysted larvae (from the flea) becomes an adult (in the definitive host)
3. Since it is a hermaphrodite, there will be formation of gravid proglottids and a subsequent release of packets of embryonated eggs to the feces and into the external environment
4. The oncosphere hatches from the egg upon ingestion of intermediate host (larval flea)
5. In the intermediate host, the oncosphere encysts to become cysticercoid
6. Humans may accidentally ingest flea with infective cysticercoid, which matures in the small intestine of humans
7. Mature worms give rise to gravid proglottids and eggs which are excrted with the stool and into the external enviroment and the cycle continues