
Cards (19)

  • Antacids neutralizes stomach acid, acute relief 20-30 minutes Many available OTC

    maalox/mylanta/tums/milk of magnesium
  • Antacids Side Effects

    constipation (rebound, hyperacidity from taking to often), white discoloration/ speckling stool
  • Antacids Contraindication
    renal failure
  • H-2 Receptor Antagonist : Common. Reduces acid, does not stop from excreting in tummy 

    cimetidine /famotidine /ranitidine* Not meant for long term use
  • H-2 Receptor Antagonist Treatment 

    of GERD, peptic ulcer, erosive esophagitis, dyspepsia (indigestion), secondary GI bleed
  • H-2 Receptor Antagonist Side Effects

    relatively safe, but can cause confusion in elderly
  • H-2 Receptor Antagonist Avoid
    fried foods, acidic food, spicy, alcohol, coffee, bubbly soda, smoking because can decrease effect
  • Proton-Pump Inhibitor : blocks/ inhibits all gastric secretions, OTC 

    lansoprazole /omeprazole /pantoprazole /esomeprazole* Not meant for long term use. given as last resort
  • Proton-Pump Inhibitor Treatment
    esophagitis, gerd, ulcers
  • Proton-Pump Inhibitor Side Effects
    can cause bruising, fatigue, diarrhea, rash, sore
  • Proton-Pump Inhibitor Avoid

    warfarin because could cause increase bleeding, no smoking
  • Anti-diarrheal : only used, if you know what is causing the diarrhea, OTC

    loperamide /bismuth salicylate
    Short term use
  • Anti-diarrheal Side Effects
    black stool (normal), constipation (from over use)
    * not giving for food poisoning
  • Bulk forming Laxatives
    Fiber; increases bulk/ distention allows to move bowel easier
  • Bulk forming Laxatives Educate
    must take with water, because if not enough water can cause opposite effectSafe to take every day, good for chronic constipation (older)
  • Osmotic Laxatives: 

    polyethylene glycolPulls fluid into bowel which acts as stimulant, cleans out bowel
  • Osmotic Laxatives For

    bowel prep
  • Stimulant Laxatives

    bisacodyl, senna (most concerning)Increases motility, increases peristalsis
  • Stimulant Laxatives

    Causes dependency!! (Rebound constipation/ decrease bowel tone)
    Short term!*