Cards (4)

  • Near the atrial end the hydrostatic pressure is 4.3kPa. Near the venule end it is 1.6kPa. The tissue fluid hydrostatic pressure is 1.1kPa. USE THIS INFORMATION TO EXPLAIN HOW TISSUE FLUID IS FORMED
    there is an outward pressure of 3.2kPa. This forces the water, amino acids, fatty acids, ions and oxygen out. Forming tissue fluid
  • They hydrostatic pressure falls from the arteriole end of the capillary to the venule end of the capillary explain why?
    water has been forced out therefore water has been lost
  • High blood pressure leadings to the formation of tissue fluid. explain how
    high blood pressure= high hydrostatic pressure. There is an increased outward pressure at the arteriole end of the capillary and a decreased pressure at the venule end of the capillary.
  • explain the role of the heart in the formation of tissue fluid
    ventricles contract , producing high blood pressure. High blood pressure= high hydrostatic pressure. This forces out the water, amino acids, fatty acids out the capillaries