Knowledge that can only be acquired from experience of the external world
A priori
Knowledge that can be acquired without experience of the external world, through thought alone
Abductive argument
A form of inductive argument which shows that something is probably true because it is the best explanation
Ability knowledge
Knowledge of how to do something
Acquaintance knowledge
Knowledge of something or someone
Analytic reduction
If X analytically reduces to Y, then the meaning of X is the same as the meaning of Y
Analytic truth
A proposition that is true in virtue of the meaning of the words
The first part of a conditional statement such as "if A then B"
Apophatic way
See via negativa
An ancient Greek word used by Aristotle to describe a property or virtue that enables something to achieve its ergon (function)
Hard Behaviourism
The view that propositions about mental states can be (analytically) reduced without loss of meaning to propositions about behaviours using the language of physics
Soft Behaviourism
The view that propositions about mental states are propositions about behavioural dispositions
An unfalsifiable belief that is held in the face of conflicting evidence, but that is nevertheless meaningful
Categorical imperative
A statement about what you should do that is not conditional on anything
Cognitive statement
Statements that aim to literally describe how the world is and are either true or false
The second part of a conditional statement such as "if A then B"
An ethical theory that values actions as good or bad according to their consequences
Contingent truth
Something that is true but that might not have been true
Two claims that cannot both be true simultaneously
Contradiction in conception
A maxim leads to a contradiction in conception if it would somehow be self-contradictory for everyone to follow it
Contradiction in will
A maxim leads to a contradiction in will if you cannot rationally will that everyone follow it
A method of deriving true propositions from other true propositions (using reason and logical necessity)
Deductive argument
An argument where the premises are intended to logically guarantee the conclusion
Deontological ethics
Ethical theories that focus on duty, or what must be done
Direct realism
The view that a mind-independent external world exists and that we perceive it directly
Disjunction introduction
The logical principle that if the statement "P" is true, then the statement "P or Q" must also be true
Ordinary Doubt
Being unsure whether something in your everyday life is true
Philosophical Doubt
Being unsure whether anything you believe is true
Substance Dualism
The view that minds can exist completely separately from physical bodies
Property Dualism
The view that physical substances can have non-physical mental properties
Eliminative materialism/Eliminativism
The view that our common sense understanding of mental states (folk psychology) is radically mistaken and that some or even all of these mental states don'texist
The metaethical view that moral judgements express (non-cognitive)emotionalattitudes
The view that all knowledge of synthetic truths is acquired a posteriori
A form of dualism that says that the mental and physical interact in only one direction: From physical to mental
An ancient Greek word used by Aristotle to describe the function or characteristic activity of a thing
Error theory
The metaethical view that moral judgements express cognitive statements but that moral properties don't exist and so all moral judgements are false
An ancient Greek word used by Aristotle to describe the good life for a human being in the broadest sense
God is said to be eternal if He exists outside of time
God is said to be everlasting if He exists within time but is withoutbeginning or end