
Cards (26)

  • outsourcing - contracting work to non company employees or other companies in order to reduce costs
  • offshoring - the process of moving a business's operations to a country with lower labour costs
  • Globalization
    • Has created a new international division of labor
    • Changed system of employment in the various economic sectors throughout the world
  • Core countries
    People design and develop products for the global market
  • Core countries

    • Tertiary, quaternary, and quinary jobs have increased
  • Semiperiphery countries

    People often manufacture goods that are marketed in core countries
  • Semiperiphery countries

    • Employment in the secondary sector has increased
    • Employment in the primary sector has declined
  • Periphery countries
    Have large primary sectors and export minerals and resources to core and semiperiphery countries for further processing and consumption
  • basic economic activity - actions that create new wealth for a region
  • non basic economic activity - does not generate new money for the area
  • transnational/multinational corporations (TNCS) (MNCS) - a company that has operations in more than one country
  • export-processing zones (EPZs) - special economic zones where foreign investors can set up factories and receive tax breaks
  • special economic zones (SEZS) - areas where foreign investors can set up businesses with minimal government interference
  • special economic zones (SEZS) - areas where foreign investors can set up businesses with minimal government interference
    -also known as maquiladoras in mexico and free-trade zones in singapore
  • postindustrial economy - economy that is based on services and knowledge, rather than on manufacturing
  • assembly line - a series of operations performed by a person or a machine to produce a product in a continuous manner
  • substitution principle - businesses maximize profit by substituting one factor of production for another, has been applied to the labour force
  • post-fordist system - replacing workers with machines
  • just in time delivery - when the supplier delivers the product just before it is needed
  • locational interdependence - when a business is dependent on the location of other factories
  • technopole - a region with a high concentration of technology-based industries and a high proportion of people employed in these industries
  • spin-off benefits/spread effects - positive economic outcomes beyond the growth pole
  • backwash effects - negative effects on one region that result from economic growth in another region
  • brownfields - sites of abandoned factories, mines, and other industrial buildings that have been left to decay
  • rust belt - the region of the united states hit hardest by deindustrialization (the northeast and lands around the great lakes)
  • corporate/business parks - a place where office buildings can take adva of agglomeration economies