Moscivci et al

Cards (3)

  • Aim and procedure
    he wanted to see if a consistent minority could influence the majority to give an incorrect answer in a perception test. 6 PP estimated the colour of 36 slides which were all blue but were different brightness's. 2 of 6 PP were confederates. 2 conditions: consistent= two PP called green on all trails and inconsistent= 2 PP called green 24 times and blue 12 times.
  • Evaluation- Strengths 

    +Research support for consistency by Moscivici. There was a significant difference between the consistent and inconsistent conditions supporting minorities are able to influence majorities.
    +Real world application: the suffragette movement which increases ecological validity of minority influence. This demonstrates how powerful minorities can be over majority influence.
  • Difference between majority and minority influence

    -Majority influence is NSI which is public compliance.
    -Minority influence is ISI which persuades majority to change views.
    -Inconsistent vs delayed effect = people conform to avoid rejection.