Cards (9)

  • Teachers' assessments of pupils at the end of year one showed girls ahead of boys by 7 to 17 percentage points in all seven areas of learning assessed
  • In state primary school, boys were 2 1⁄2 times more likely than girls to have statements of special educational needs
  • At key stages 1-3

    Girls do consistently better than boys, especially in English where the gender gap steadily widens with age
  • In science and math

    The gender gap is much narrower, but girls still do better
  • At GCSE, the gender gap stands at around 10 percentage points
  • At AS/A level, girls are more likely to sit and get higher grades than boys
  • 46.8% of girls gained A or B at A-level, but only 42.2% of boys did
  • Even in boys' subjects like maths and physics, girls were more likely than boys to get grades A-C
  • On vocational courses, a large proportion of girls achieve distinctions in every subject, including those as engineering and construction where girls are a minority