
Cards (5)

  • Election of 1936
    ~FDR wins in a landslide again
    ~This second term was much harder than his first
    • FDR began facing pressures that his New Deal was expensive
    • The New Deal was not stimulating the economy enough
  • FDR Responds
    ~To quiet his critics FDR backed off federal funded jobs programs
    ~He also attempted to balance the budget
  • Effects of the New Deal
    ~Wealth was still unevenly distributed
    ~Did not lead to recovery in the US economy
    ~Changed the role of the president and expectation of government
    ~Unified african americans, immigrants, unions, and the poor all under the democratic party
    ~First time creating federal welfare programs
  • Rise of Totalitarianism and Militarism
    ~Worldwide depression
    ~Totalitarian leaders came to power by promising jobs and promoting nationalism
  • Rise of facism
    • There was extreme nationalism
    • Racial or cultural purity
    • Anti-intellectualism