Key study - Zimbardo

Cards (4)

  • Aim and Procedure
    Aim: to investigate weather prison guard brutality in American prisons was the result of the guards conforming to social roles.
    Procedure: Zimbardo set up a mock prison and male students were randomly assigned either the role of a prisoner or guard and their behaviour is observed. The prisoners were arrested as they went about their day, taken to a 'prison' an given uniforms and numbers. The guards had uniform, handcuffs, keys and mirror shades and were told they had complete power over prisoners.
  • Findings
    Within two days, the prisoners rebelled against the harsh treatment shown by the guards. They harassed the prisoners constantly to remind them who was in charge. E.g. they conducted frequent headcounts. After rebellion was put down, the prisoners became subdued and depressed. One prisoner was released first day as showed symptoms of severe psychological harm and two more on the second day. The guards started to identify more closely with their role. Their behaviour became more brutal and aggressive, with some of them appearing to enjoy the power.
  • Conclusion
    The simulation of power influenced guards, prisoners and researchers behaviour and all PP's conformed to their roles in the prison.
  • Evaluation
    +high control over variables: the selection of PP were randomly assigned so there is no researcher bias. This increases internal validity which allows conclusions to be drawn.
    -Lack of realism: could say PP were role playing than genuinely conforming to the roles. Performances were based among stereotypes of how prisoners and guards acted.
    -Counter argument: situation was very real to PP as it is what PP was talking about 90% of the time in prison.