Variables affecting conformity

Cards (4)

  • Group size 

    Asch found that when there was less confederates in the room there was less conformity. He increased the confederates to 3 so conformity increased by 30% which was optimum group size as 7 was 33% shows the same size is important up to a certain point.
  • Unanimity
    When real PP was given support from a confederate (they gave the correct answer). Conformity levels dropped from 33% to 5.5% as the unanimity was broken up.
  • Task Difficulty
    Asch made differences between the line length smaller so the answer was less obvious and the level of conformity increased as people may have not known the answer so go with the group decision.
  • Evaluation
    +High levels of control: Asch controlled response of confederates and the task so made it easier to see when people conformed and measure how may people conformed.
    +standardised: allows for replication and can asses the reliability.
    -Low mundane realism: the task isn't something you wo0uld perform in everyday life - doesn't reflect real life.
    -Demand characteristics: people may have questioned why everyone was getting an easy answer wrong. They may figure out the aim.