Having 2 eyes are better then just having one because when we look at something both our eyes see somethingslightlydifferent so our brains put the 2pictures together allowing us to see 3dimensions.
Having 2 eyes enables us to judgedistance
Light is a form of energy and travels as a wave
Light always travels in a straightline
Shadows are formed when an objectpreventslightfrompassingthroughit
The angle of incidence is the anglemeasuredbetween the incidentray and normal
The angle of reflection is the anglemeasuredbetween the reflectedray and normal
For a flat mirror the angleofincidenceequalstotheangleofreflection
When light passes from air to into glass its direction changes
The angleofrefraction is smaller than the angleofincidence
Lenses can be described as either a convex or concave lens
When lightpasses through a convexlens the raysconverge to a point called the focuspoint
When lightpasses through a concavelens the lightraysdiverge (spread out)