The institutions, customs and practices of a society that have developed over time. These contain the wisdom of the past and provide a strong sense of identity.
A key value of conservatism often associated with Edmund Burke and Michael Oakeshott. Pragmatism focuses on past experience and what has previously worked.
For conservatives, this is the idea that people in higher positions in society are best able to make decisions in the interests of the whole society; authority thus comes naturally from above and rests on an accepted obligation form below to obey.
Society is viewed as a living organism, with all its parts working together. This links with ideas of hierarchy, where each individual has their own place and
Government should be by those who are best equipped to lead by virtue of birth, inheritance and upbringing, those who 'know what is best' for the rest of society.
Political philosophy that emphasises the rights of individuals by having only minimal state intervention in their lives (promoting a free market economy).
This is often most associated with the New Right or neo-liberalism) .It provides a rival conservative core value to paternalism.