Neo Liberalism

Cards (11)

  • Human Nature (Nozick)

    Egotistical individuals: driven by quest for 'self ownership' allowing them to realise their full potential.
  • The State (Nozick)

    Minarchist state should merely outsource, renew and reallocate contracts to private companies providing public services. Feels as though a large state creates a dependancy culture.
  • Society (Nozick)

    Should be geared towards individual self fulfilment. This may lead to lots of smaller communities to reflect different interests and philosophies.
  • Economy (Nozick)

    State should detach itself from the economy. Services should be privatised and economy regulated. "Tax for the most part is theft"
  • Books (Nozick)

    'Anarchy, State and Utopia' (1974)
  • Human Nature (Rand)

    Objectivist: we are and ought to be guided by rational self interest in the pursuit of self fulfilment. Atomistic: humans should only focus on themselves and families.
  • The State (Rand)

    The state should confine itself to law, order and national security. Any other state intervention should be registered.
  • Society (Rand)

    Society is atomistic. Any attempt to restrict individuals in the name of society should be challenged.
  • Economy (Rand)

    Free-market capitalism is an expression of individualism and should not be hindered by the state. For example, More tax cuts and less regulations on companies
  • Books (Rand)

    'Atlas Shrugged' (1957), 'The Virtue of Selfishness' (1964)
  • Extra Knowledge (Rand)

    In her personal life she was against homosexuality, but believed in protecting their rights because they expressed individualism