Key thinkers (summary)

Cards (5)

  • Micheal Oakeshott

    Key Ideas: human imperfection, pragmatism
    Books: On being Conservative (1964)
    Quotes: "Imperfect not immoral"
  • Thomas Hobbes
    Key Ideas: human nature, order
    Books: Leviathan (1651)
    Quotes: "Nasty, brutish and short"
  • Edmund Burke
    Key Ideas: changes should be cautious, tradition and empiricism
    Books: Reflections on the revolution in France (1790)
    Quotes: "Little Platoons"
  • Ayn Rand

    Key Ideas: objectivism, freedom
    Books: Atlas Shrugged (1957)
    Quotes: "An embryo has no rights"
  • Robert Nozick

    Key Ideas: libertarianism, self-ownership
    Books: Anarchy, state and Utopia (1974)
    Quotes: "Tax for the most part is theft"