Legitimate authority figure

Cards (7)

  • Legitimate authority figure 

    for obedience to occur, the obeying individual must believe they are following orders from a Legitimate authority figure.
  • Socialisation
    We come to accept society is structured hierarchically, so people who have power have authority to punish them so likely to obey.
  • Uniform
    Lab coat symbolises intelligence. Bickman studied this: PP were asked to pick up litter by a security guard where 80% complied compared to 40% who were dressed in plain clothes.
  • Location
    they did the study in a prestigious, reputable place, Yale. They compared to a run down office where obedience was less.
  • Authoritative language
    Experimenter gave verbal prods like ‘please continue‘ were used.
  • Evaluation
    +real life application: positive consequence of obedience like responding to police officers.
  • Study by Hoffling
    Conducted a study in hospital. Nurses were phoned by a Dr Smith who ask for 20mg of a drug which was disobeying regulations as not allowed to take orders from doctors over the phone but 21 out of 22 obeyed request from doctor.
    Rank and Jacobson: asked nurses to carry out an irregular order and 16 out of 18 people refused. this is because the drug was familiar and allowed to discuss with colleagues.