where humans will be judged for their life on earth. they can go to hell(separation from God) or heaven(eternal happiness)
what is the Irenaean theodicy
God creted the world with good and evil so that humans can learn what is right and wrong. God doenst interfere because of our free will.
what is the Augustinian theodicy
God creted the world without evil. Evil is caused by humans e.g. the Fall(adam and eve sin so evil was brought into the world)
who is Jesus to christians
son of God - god in human form. Messiah - jesus as king and lord(jews). Lord and Saviour - Jesus came to offer us salvation and to atone for our sins
what are the Beatitudes
They mean BLESSINGS. blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the king dome of heaven - blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted - blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth - blessed are those who hunger for rightousness for they will be filled - blessed are the merciful for they will be shown mercy - blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God.
Jesus's teachings
the beatitudes - the law - true discipleship(no hipocracy) - truerighteousness(commitment) - the narrow gateway - building on solid foundations
what is evangelism
sharing Jesus's teachings and persuading people to become believers
beliefs about purgatory, middle man between heavene and hell. thats why christians pray for the dead because some of them might be in purgatory.