Hydrological cycle key terms

Cards (45)

    Relating to the scientific study of the properties, distribution, and effects of water on the earth's surface, in the soil and underlying rocks, and in the atmosphere
  • Exporasany
    Relating to the exploration or investigation of something

    A series of events that are regularly repeated in the same order
  • Elvar discharge
    The flow of water from a river or stream
  • exception
    A thing that is excluded from a general statement or does not follow a rule
  • We sable

    Able to be used or dealt with successfully
  • Soil water
    Water held in the spaces between soil particles
  • Store
    A place where something is kept or accumulated
  • Surface water

    Water that collects on the surface of the earth, such as in a stream, river, lake, wetland, or ocean
  • Chavel storage

    The storage of water in channels or streams
  • Througha
    The passage of water through something
  • Sterow
    The movement of water over the surface of the ground
  • Overland Bow
    The flow of water over the surface of the ground
  • Chase flow
    The movement of water in a channel or stream
  • Flow
    The movement of a liquid, gas, or other substance
  • nation
    The action or process of flowing
  • Flowe
    The movement of water
  • Percolation
    The movement of water through a porous substance
  • Throughflow
    The movement of water through the soil to a stream or river
  • Basefow
    The flow of water in a stream or river that is fed by groundwater seeping into the channel
  • Groundwater
    Water that is found underground in the cracks and spaces in soil, sand and rock
  • Racharge
    The process by which water is added to the zone of saturation, or groundwater
  • Springs
    A natural source of water where water flows out of the ground
  • Porosity
    The amount of void space in a material
  • Permety
    The ability of a material to allow fluids to flow through it
  • Aquilen
    A body of permeable rock or sediment that is saturated with water and can transmit significant quantities of water under ordinary hydraulic gradients
  • of water flowing down a river at
    time (cumes m3
  • p of the saturated one, a subsurface
    semeable rock which may riset
  • ing on hydrological cycle

    The ever present in the slater writion
  • The war that hot intrated the surface and

    age channels
  • vegetation to the ground surface
    diation that has been intercepted by
  • tation then passes down the branches and
    free precipitation that runs over ground
  • face direct to channel as unable to be
    orbed by ground because infitration capacity
  • de
    Movevent of water in channel such as streams
  • dvers
    The movement of water from the ground wurle
  • to the sod layers
    The vertical (downward movement of w
  • though badrock after intration into soh
    through pores and cracks
  • The downdope movement of water in the soil
    underkuence of gravity, to river channel
  • paule to the surface
    Flow of water below water table towards river
  • channel as result of percolating through bedrock
    from surface, Islow flow) not result of