Checking out me history

Cards (7)

  • Context
    • Eurocentric view of history
    • denied of own cultural identity
  • Structure
    Dual structure through use of italics
    > Separation of history
    Repetition "Dem tell me"
    > Start of each stanza
    > Colonial control has dominated and is reflected in this poem
    Volta "But now"
    > Significance of taking control back"
  • Language
    Motif of light regarding black influential figureheads
    > light to guide
    VIolent metaphor
    > reflect abuse of colonial control
  • "Dem tell me"
    > Oppressive tone to the trashing of history
    > repetition- desire for message to he heard
    > no power over what he is told
  • " De cow who jump over de moon"
    > nursery rhyme- pointless, mocking
    > Semantic field of childhood that he lost
  • "Bandage up me eye"

    > injury connotations, hurt by upbringing
    > Identity has been stripped away
    > Fresh wounds as bandages needed for it to be healed
  • Checking out me history
    John Agard