
Cards (7)

  • Big idea
    • power is temporary, no matter how powerful or tyrannical the ruler is
    • Nature is more powerful than any other human power
    • Futility and impermanence of human power
  • Structure
    Iambic pentameter
    > (Heatbeat), linked to sonnets as he loves himself
    > love poem, reflective of ozymandias pride and love for himself
    > Uneven pattern- impermanence, broken nature of the statue
    10 syllables except line 10
    > has 11
    > See himself greater than god
  • "I met a traveller from an antique land"

    Personification "antique land"
    > evokes a sense of distance and mystery
    > Passes responsibility of opinions to a stranger
  • "Two vast trunkless legs of stone"/"stand in the desert"
    Metaphor "trunkless legs"
    > sense of decay and destruction
    > Transience of power and glory
    > his statue is destroyed
    > end of power mocks ozymandia self-importance
  • "Half sunk, a shattered visage lies..."
    > "shattered visage"
    > imagery of a half buried face, empathises Ozymandias' insignificance that even nature overpowers the greatest ruler
  • "MY name is Ozymandias, King of Kings/ Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
    Direct speech
    > gives voice to his arrogance and hubris
    > Thinks he's eternal
    > 11 syllables to mark his importance as he breaks the structure
    > desolate ruins and ruined empire
    > Cautionary reminder
  • "sneer of cold demand"
    > about his tyranny
    > Imitates superiority