Electron arrangement

Cards (16)

  • Energy Levels

    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
  • Sublevel
    s, p, d, f
  • Bohr Model

    De Broglie - wave particle duality
  • De Broglie

    Heisenberg - It is impossible to measure at the same time both the velocity and the position of the electron
  • Orbital
    Region of space around the nucleus where there is a high probability of finding an electron
  • Energy Level

    The fixed amount of energy which an electron can have in an atom
  • Sublevel
    A subdivision of an energy level consisting of one or more orbitals of the same energy
  • Anion
    Negatively charged atom that has gained electrons
  • Cation
    Positively charged atom that has lost electrons
  • Chromium has a 3d5 4s1 electron configuration, filling the d sublevel first
  • Copper has a filled d sublevel
  • Aufbau principle 

    When electrons are filling energy levels/ sublevels, they always occupy the lowest energy level available to them.
  • Hunds rule of maximum multiplicity 

    States that when 2 or more orbitals of equal energy are available to an electron they fill them singly before filling them in pairs.
  • Pauli's exclusion principle

    States that when 2 or more electrons occupy an orbital, they have opposite magnetic spin.
  • Wave-partical duality: electrons have some properties of particles and some properties of waves.
  • Orbit: the fixed path one body takes around another.