Milgram's (1963) studies were centered around obedience to authority
the aim of milgrams study was to investigate if ordinary people would follow orders and give an innocent person a potentially harmful electric shock
milgrams participants were all male, aged between 20-50 years old from the new haven area
there were two roles in Milgram’s experiments; the teacher and learner
There was a rigged draw to decide who was the teacher and who was the learner
The teachers role was played by the participant who had been recruited through newspaper adverts
all of the learners were confederates
The learner pretended to be shocked but actually wasn’t
the experiment took place in a room with a wall separating the teacher and learner
In the experiment, the teacher was given a list of word pairs that they needed to read out to the learner, then the learner would have to remember them and answer questions about them
the experimenter gave instructions to the teacher on how to deliver shocks to the learner if they answered questions incorrectly
If the learner answered incorrectly, the teacher would administer an electric shock which increased in voltage with every wrong answer
Milgram found that 65% of his participants continued with the experiment even when the learner stopped responding
Milgram wanted to investigate obedience to authority figures
The teacher was told that there was no real danger from the shocks
the teacher saw learners strapped to an electric chair and the teacher was given a mild electric shock to prove it was real
the teacher could not see the learner but could hear them
the shocks started at 15v and continued in 15v increments up to 450v
the learner would bang on the wall at 350v and ask for it to stop
the experiment had standardized prompts said by the experimenter such as: 'the experiment requires you to continue' and 'you have no other choice you must go on'
26/40 participants went to 450 v
all participants reached 300v
the participants behaviour that was observed included nervous laughter, physical sweating, asking for reassurance
one participant had a fit from the stress of the experiment
many participants were never full debriefed and did not know the true aim of the study
participants were paid $4.50 for taking part
milgram repeated the studies in germany and found similar results
milgram theorised that we are obedient to authority figure due to an agentic state
critics argue that the study lacks ecological validity because it doesnt reflect real world situations
an agentic state is where you are an agent of someone else's ideas or orders
when we are obedient to authority figures and do not take responsibility for our own behaviours we can behave in terrible ways toward others
milgram's study broke many ethical guidelines: the right to withdraw, deception, informed consent, protection from harm, debrief
this experiment was a laboratory experiment making it unrealistic and not representative of real life
this study is not generalizable to females, other cultures, and other classes
the participant may have behaved how they think the experimenter wants them to act - this is called demand characteristics