Cards (13)

  • Linear text - focuses on the arrangement of words both grammatically and stylistically
  • Linear text - reading path is sequential and reading is uninterrupted and continuous
  • NONLINEAR TEXT - combined with visual elements, such as pictures, graphs, tables, and graphic organizers
  • Nonlinear text - reading path of most nonlinear texts is nonsequential
  • TABLE - help make comparisons between the pieces of information or set of numerical data
  • Bar and Line Graphs - provide another way to present numerical information to the readers
  • Bar and Line Graphs - both types of graphs plot data along a horizontal line (the x axis) and a vertical line (the y axis)
  • BAR GRAPH - allows readers to make comparisons
  • LINE GRAPH - shows readers a change or changes over a period of time
  • CHARTS - visual texts that allow you to show the relationships between different items or between the parts of a whole
  • PIE CHART - shows readers the components that make up the whole of something; ideal for showing the percentage of each part of an item
  • FLOWCHART - shows how a process works
  • DIAGRAM - drawings that illustrate and explain the arrangement of and relationships between parts of a system