
Cards (10)

  • The role of governance

    influences communitiy’s vulnerability, and resilience to hazards
  • Key aspect of governance is
    Mitigation measures -(being prepared)- in place eg education programmes, operational systems
  • Need to ensure
    Meeting needs of citizens and making them less vulnerable eg healthy and literate population
  • Agencies also responsible for 

    Environmental management that reduces likelihood of secondary hazards
    Eg afforest bare slopes to avoid landslides with earthquake
  • National disaster 

    -management agencies- for aftermath
  • Local authorities have
    Their own natural disaster action plan
    Location specific as locals best to coordinate responses
  • Geographical factors also:
    Influence community’s vulnerability and resilience
  • Geographical factor: pop density
    Infrastructure systems come under pressure eg sewage - system shuts down- decreased capacity to cope
    Rapid urbanisation levels- informal settlements - more vulnerable
    Greater access to food shelter medical interventions
    Larger more vulnerable buildings
  • Isolation and accesibilty- geographical factor 

    Rural/ isolated- more vulnerable as difficult for rescue operation teams to reach
    poorly maintained infrastructure, e.g. roads -pop suffers for longer without aid
    Lack of communication and infrastructure
  • Degree of urbanisation-geographical 

    Places with high pop density -more vulnerable as- difficult to evacuate
    Emergency services/ facilities under more pressure- increases after disaster