Lecture 6 - Environment Science

Cards (29)

  • Green Technology - Considered environmentally friendly based on its production process or its supply chain.
  • Green Technology - Refers to clean energy production, the use of alternative fuels, and technologies that are less harmful to the environment than fossil fuels.
    • Solar energy
    • Wind energy
    • Tidal energy
    • Geothermal energy
    • Hydroelectricity
    • Biomass energy
  • Solar Power - Produced using photovoltaic cells that capture sunlight and turn it into electricity.
  • Solar Power
    • Used to heat buildings and for hot water as well as for cooking and lighting
    • Used for domestic purposes including garden lighting, although it is also used on a larger scale to power entire neighborhood
  • Wind Power
    • Particularly suited to offshore and higher altitude sites
    • Uses the power of the flow of air around the world to push turbines that generate electricity
  • Hydropower
    • Hydroelectric power
    • Uses the flow of water in rivers, streams, dams or elsewhere to produce energy
  • Hydropower - Can even work on a small scale using the flow of water through pipes in the home or can come from evaporation, rainfall or the tides in the oceans
  • Geothermal Energy
    • Uses thermal energy that has been stored just under the earth’s crust
    • Reliant on location for ease of use, and to be fully green, the drilling procedures need to be closely monitored
  • Biomass
    • Uses wood waste, sawdust, and combustible organic agricultural waste to create energy
    • While the burning of these materials releases greenhouse gas, these emissions are still far lower than those from petroleum-based fuels.
  • Biofuels - Rather than burning biomass, these organic materials can be
    transformed into fuel such as ethanol and biodiesel.
  • Biofuels - These are estimated to have the capacity to meet over 25% of global transportation fuel demand by 2050.
    • Agriculture
    • Energy
    • Water and water management
    • Building
    • Transportation
  • Organic Agriculture - holistic production management system that
    avoids use of synthetic fertilizer, pesticides and genetically modified
    organisms, minimizes pollution of air, soil and water, and optimizes
    the health and productivity of interdependent communities of plants,
    animals and people.
  • Agriculture
    • Crop rotation, crop diversity, integrated livestock production, organic fertilizer, biological pest control
  • Energy - renewable energy technology; efficiency technology
  • Water and water management
    • Recycling technology
    • Sewage treatment and solid waste management
    • Water purification
  • Building
    • Sustainable building material
    • Building performance technology
  • Transportation
    • Rail transport
    • Electric vehicle
  • Green Building
    • Lumiventt Design
    • Sensors
    • Electric Vehicle
  • Lumiventt Design
    • Energy-saving design
    • Harness natural light and air
    • Enhances wellbeing
  • Renewable Energy - Created using naturally occurring resources that replenish themselves over time
  • Green Energy - represents the energy sources that have the least amount of environmental impact.
  • Clean Energy - is energy that doesn't emit any harmful greenhouse gases or pollutants during the generation process.
  • Sustainable Energy - come from sources that can't be depleted over time; doesn't need to be regularly replenished
  • Alternative Energy - is sourced in a way that doesn't damage ecosystems, emit greenhouse gases or have any negative impacts on the environment.
  • Green Technology
    • Describes the use of technology and science to reduce human impacts on the natural environment
    • Encompasses a wide area of scientific research, including energy, atmospheric science, agriculture, material science, and hydrology
  • Green Technology - Reduce emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in order to prevent climate change.
  • Solar Power - one of the most successful green tech and is now cheaper to deploy than fossil fuels