geography - case studies

Cards (34)

  • what were the primary effects of typhoon haiyan?

    6300 people died
    over 1 million homes destroyed
    over 1.9 million people left homeless
    over 600,000 hectares of farmland destroyed
  • what were the secondary effects of typhoon haiyan?
    flooding triggered landslides which blocked roads delaying aid.
    5.6 million workers lost jobs due to businesses and agricultural land destroyed
    lack of clean water caused diseases
  • what were the immediate responses to typhoon haiyan?
    PAGSA broadcasted warnings 2 days before the typhoon made landfall leading to 800,000 people evacuating.
    fisherman warned not to go to sea
    the philippines ‘declared a state of emergency’ leading to charities offering aid
    plan international constructed pit latrines for 100,000 people to prevent spread of disease
  • what were the long term responses of typhoon haiyan?
    the UN appealed for over $300 million to help fund re-building infrastructure
    charities built new storm-resistant houses
    Philippines tourism board encouraged people to visit the country’s less effected areas and emphasise that the money would help the rebuilding process
  • how high did rainfall reach due to typhoon haiyan?
  • how strong were the winds due to typhoon haiyan?
  • what is the global importance of Nigeria?
    in 2014, it became the 21st largest economy in the world
    supplies 2.7% of the worlds global oil
    5th largest contributor to UN peacekeeping missions globally
  • what is the local importance of Nigeria?
    one of the fastest growing African economies
    largest african population of 226 million people
    highest farm output of in africa of 77%
    biggest livestock population in africa of 19 million
  • what is life like in Nigeria?
    over 70% of the population are farmers so Nigeria relies on agriculture.
    Has a variety of landscapes from hot deserts to tropical rainforests so so many different crops
  • what is the culture in Nigeria?
    2nd largest film industry in the world - Nollywood
    Socially diverse with many ethnic groups and religions due to tribes and being ruled by the british
  • What was the bodo oil spill?
    in 2008 & 2009 two spills happened in Bodo, Nigeria
  • How much oil was spilled due to the Bodo oil spill?
    11 million gallons of oil spilt over 20km squared area
  • what did the Bodo oil spill lead to?
    soil erosion
    acid rain
  • why do oil spills happen/ what are they caused by?
    pipeline and tanker accidents
    lack of maintenance of pipelines
  • what is the manufacturing industry in Nigeria like?
    processing oil that has been mined.
    Oil makes a large profit and can help Nigeria have political influence over other countries
  • What are the positives of TNCs in Nigeria?
    foreign oil TNCs can invest in new production and mining sites which provide more jobs
    TNCs share technology across countries
    for example: new safety measures or mining practices can be shared with Nigerian oil workers
  • what are the negatives of TNCs in Nigeria?
    oil is damaging to the environment
    oil spills can damage habitats and harm wildlife.
    Burning fossil fuels like oil contributes to climate change which directly impacts Nigeria such as droughts, desertification, increased flooding and extreme weather
  • what is HS2?
    a £50 billion plan for a new speed rail line to connect London with Birmingham and then to Sheffield, Leeds and Manchester
  • what are the advantages of HS2?
    Frees up capacity
    Decreases journey time
    less expensive tickets
    links the south and the north
    reduces congestion
    creates new jobs
    increases deliveries/productivity
  • what are the disadvantages of HS2?
    very expensive
    damaging/bad to the environment
    cuts through natural habitats
    funds could be spent on other things such as education or healthcare
  • what is liverpool port 2?
    a new deep water container port to allow the biggest ships to dock that is going to cost £300 million it will double the port’s capacity to over 1.5 million containers a year
  • how will liverpool port 2 boost the economy of the north and overall reduce the north-south divide ?
    creates thousands of jobs
    reduces freight on the roads
    more passengers will pass through the port which means that more people going to liverpool/north spend more money in the north which boosts the economy
  • what is the Cambridge science park?
    established around 48 years ago by Trinity college it is 1.7 million square ft of high tech and lab builidngs
  • what were the effects of Cambridge science park?
    provides lots of jobs
    home to 6500 people at over 100 companies
    more jobs means more disposable income meaning a better quality of life
  • what were the responses to Cambridge science park?
    50,000 new homes had to be built
    private science park bus routes created to relieve traffic congestion
    increase in bike routes
  • what are the advantages of Cambridge’s science park location?
    located near airport
    next to M11
    close to cambridge university
  • what were the primary effects of the Nepal earthquake?
    9000 people died
    3million homeless
    7000 schools destroyed
  • what were the secondary effects of the Nepal earthquake?
    Landslides damaged roads
    Avalanches on mount Everest killed 19 people. 50% of shops destroyed which limited food supplies in Nepal and affected peoples source of income
  • what were the primary effects of the Christchurch earthquake?
    185 people died
    3129 people injured
    10,000 properties damaged
    $28 billion damage
  • what were the secondary effects of the Christchurch earthquake?
    1/5 of the population migrated
    schools were closed for 2 weeks
  • when was the Nepal earthquake?
    25th April 2015
  • what was the magnitude of the Nepal earthquake?
    7.9 on the richter scale
  • what were the immediate responses of the Nepal earthquake?
    helicopters were used to search for survivor and reach those trapped from landslides and avalanches. They were also used for resource distribution to cut off communities
  • what were the long-term responses to the Nepal earthquake?
    in 2019, 3/4 of homes were either fully rebuilt or under repair.
    The government introduced stricter building codes