
Cards (3)

  • Cell fractionation
    1. Cells are broken open to release the contents and organelles are then separated
    2. Cells must be prepared in a cold, isotonic, buffered solution
    3. Homogenisation - cells are blended in the cold isotonic and buffered solution, then filtered to remove large cell debris
    4. Ultracentrifugation - homogenate is spun at high speeds to separate organelles by density, less dense organelles require higher speeds to separate
  • Order of organelle fractionation
    • Nuclei
    • Chloroplasts
    • Mitochondria
    • Lysosomes
    • Endoplasmic reticulum
    • Ribosomes
  • Ultracentrifugation
    • The homogenate ( filtered solution) is spun at high speeds in a centrifuge that separates the organelles according to density.
    • Centrifuge spins at high speeds and the centrifugal force causes pellets of most dense organelles to form at the bottom of the tube.
    • Remove supernatant at the top to leave the pellet and place into second tube to centrifuge
    • repeated at faster speeds removing the supernatant leaving behind the pellet (isolated organelle)
    • Less dense the organelle is the higher speed needed to separate the organelle.