Science 7

Cards (32)

  • 5 lines of Latitude
    • Equator 0°
    • Tropic of Cancer 235° N
    • Tropic of Capricorn 235° S
    • Arctic Circle 665° N
    • Antarcttic Circle 666° S
  • The Philippines is located at the South-East Asia
  • Latitude
    Is a horizontal that run from West to East
  • Equator
    A horizontal line that lies at 0 degrees and divides earth into Northern and Southern Hemisphere.
  • Prime Meridian
    A vertical line that divides earth into Western and Eastern Hemisphere.
  • Archipilago
    Is an Area or group of islands surrounded by bodies of water.
  • There are 7,641 islands.
  • Imaginary Lines on Earth
    • Latitude
    • Longitude
    • Equator
    • Prime Meridian
  • Natural Resources
    Is something found in NATURE that people can use to meet their NEEDS.
  • Two types of natural resources on earth
    • Renewable
    • Non-Renewable
  • Renewable Resources
    These are organic natural resources which can be replenish.
  • Non-Renewable Resources
    It is a natural resources that once consumed, cannot be replaced
  • Different natural resources in the Philippines
    • Water
    • Tress and Plants
    • Rocks
    • Minerals
    • Solar energy
  • DAM
    Turns water into electricity
  • Manmade resources
    Are things that people make from natural resources
  • The Earth is enveloped in air called atmosphere.
  • The most protective layer of grass is the Nitrogen that has 78% of gas in the earth
  • Stratosphere
    Above the troposphere and below the mesosphere, it means layer.
  • Mesosphere
    Lies between the thermosphere and the stratosphere it means middle.
  • Thermosphere
    Lies between the exospehere
    and the mesosphere It means heat.
  • Exosphere
    Is the outermost layer of our atmosphere it means outside.
  • Troposphere Is the lowest layer of Earth's atmosphere.
  • Density
    The measure of how tightly the material is packed together.
  • Wind
    Refers to a moving air caused by the differences in air pressure within our atmosphere.
  • Breeze
    refers to a light wind which has a soothing feeling
  • Two types of Breeze
    • Sea Breeze
    • Land Breeze
  • Sea Breeze
    Blows from sea to land during the day or in summer
  • Land Breeze
    Blows form land to sea during the night or in winter
  • Monsoon
    Is a seasonal change in the direction of the prevailing, or strongest, winds of a region.
  • Northeast Monsoon
    • Amihan
    • It brings dry and cool wind
    • Slight to moderate rainfall
    • November - April
  • Southwest Monsoon
    • Habagat
    • It brings warm and moist wind
    • Moderate to heavy rainfall
    • June - October
  • Longitude
    Are vertical lines that run from South to North.