
Cards (12)

  • Balantidium coli

    The largest protozoal parasite inhabiting the large intestine of man, monkeys and pigs
  • Balantidium coli

    • Most infections are harmless
    • Rarely the trophozoites invade the mucosa and sub mucosa of intestine and causes Balantidiasis
  • Life cycle of Balantidium coli

    1. Trophozoite stage
    2. Cyst stage
  • Trophozoite stage

    • Oval shape
    • Anterior end is pointed and has groove leading to a mouth (cytostome)
    • Posterior end is broadly rounded and has an excretory opening known as cytopyge
    • Has two nuclei (macronucleus and micronucleus)
    • Has two contractile vacuoles
    • Has numerous food vacuoles
    • Body covered with delicate pellicle embedded with short cilia
  • Cyst stage

    • Spherical or oval
    • Surrounded by a thick and transparent double-layered wall
    • Cilia are absorbed
    • Macronucleus, micronucleus and vacuoles are present
  • Diagnosis
    General Stool Examination (GSE)
  • Platyhelminthes
    Phylum containing flukes
  • Types of flukes that infect humans

    • Liver flukes
    • Intestinal flukes
    • Blood flukes
    • Lung flukes
  • Fasciola hepatica

    Liver fluke that resides in the biliary passages of the liver of sheep, goat, cattle and man, causes fascioliasis
  • Fasciola hepatica

    • Large leaf-shaped fluke, bilaterally symmetrical
    • Has a distinct conical projection at the anterior end
    • Posterior end is broadly pointed
    • Has an oral sucker in the conical projection and a ventral sucker nearby
    • Intestinal caeca, testes and vitelline glands are branched
    • Eggs are large, elliptical to oval, have an operculum, light yellowish brown, thin shell with a smooth surface and contain an immature larva
  • Life cycle of Fasciola hepatica

    1. Passes through one final host (sheep, goat, cattle, man)
    2. Passes through two intermediate hosts (snails of the genus Lymnaea, aquatic vegetation e.g. watercress)
  • Diagnosis of Fasciola hepatica
    Detection of eggs in stool or in bile obtained by duodenal intubation, and immunodiagnostic tests