Predicted in the late1700s (Michell and Laplace); characterized by its mass, spin, and electric charge - two dimensional
The mass of ablack hole resides in its center; the singularity where matter is compressed to infinite density
Curves spacetime; spacetime tells matter how tomove
EventHorizon (Cosmic Censorship)
The radius where the escape speed from the mass is equal to the speed of light (c); not a solid surface
Friedman models
Flat, positivecurvature (sphere/closed universe) and negative curvature (open universe)
General Theory of Relativity
1910-1920s; Einstein errored because he believed in a homogeneous, isotropic, and static Universe; Cosmological Principle is valid
Strange behavior near the beginning of the Universe where it shows a huge rate of expansion
History of the Universe
31.5% matter (normal/dark), and 68.5%dark energy; earliest times in the Universe were dominated by radiation - still in the dark energy era
Massive objects
Interact through the gravitational force
Charged objects
Interact through the electromagnetic force
Subatomic particles
Interact through the strong (nuclear) force and the weak (nuclear) force
Big Bang
Matter takes over and dominates the evolution of the Universe around 50,000 years after the Big Bang
GUT (Grand Unified Theory)
After gravity separates from the other 3 forces; gravity becomes an interaction distinct from the electromagnetic strong/weak nuclear forces
GUT era
Ends around 10^-32 seconds have elapsed after the beginning of the Universe; inflation begins in this era
Planck Era
When the four forces of the Universe have been unified
Quantum gravity
The time when the theory which encompasses both quantum mechanics and gravitymust be used
Size of the Universe during the Planck era
Less than 10^-50 centimeters; expands enough during inflation
Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity
Showed that there is an equivalence between mass and energy; E=mc^2
Pair Production
After inflation, Universe continues to expand and is hot; production always produces pairs of massive particles (ordinary particle and its anti-matter twin)
When the Universe is very hot, quarks and leptons occur; matter particles and the antimatter twins annihilate and release energy (radiation)
Quark gluon plasma
A high-temperature state of matter that forms when nuclei collide with such energy that their protons and neutrons are broken down into a "soup" of elementary particles called quarks and gluons.
Protons and neutrons
Composed of three quarks held together by the intermediary particles known as gluons
Quark Epoch
The production of the matter baryons is referred to as baryogenesis
Formation of the elements; quarks and gluons form protons, protons and electrons form neutrons
Big Bang Nucleosynthesis
The amount of helium produced in the Big Bang is insensitive to the mass contained in baryons in the Universe
Very sensitive to the mass in baryons in the Universe
Post Big Bang
The Universe continues to expand and cool but no new chemical elements are created until stars form and die
Gravity caused matter and debris to condense, which formed unorganized small groups of stars
The largest structures in the Universe are consistent with the imperfections seen