Cards (40)

  • Sexual selfhood – how one thinks about himself or herself as a sexual individual.
  • "penis" is the symbol of fertility and the male body was greatly admired
  • “gyne” –bearer of children
  • HISTORICAL - Ancient Greece, only function is to bear children
  • Historical - Women have no legal and political rights, not even allowed to read and write.
  • THE MIDDLE AGES -  influenced by the church especially “sexuality”
  •  Church decree - all sexual acts which do not lead to procreation is evil
  • women were labelled as “temptress” or “of virtue”
  • The Protestant Reformation - sexuality is a natural part of life and that priests should be allowed to marry and have families
  • The Protestant Reformation - Martin Luther and others started a movement
  • The Protestant Reformation - sexual intimacy is to strengthen the bond between husband and wife and not just for procreation.
  • Puritans - discontented with the Church of England
  • 17TH AND 18TH CENTURY - premarital sex was considered immoral
  • 17TH AND 18TH CENTURY - Puritans rallied for religious, moral, and social reformation
  • VICTORIAN ERA - homosexuality and prostitution were rampant
  • Victorian Era - ejaculating more than once a month can weaken a man, masturbation leads to blindness, insanity, and death.
  • Masturbation leads to:
    • blindness
    • insanity
    • death
  • Victorian Era - sex was a marital duty (pure)
  • 20TH CENTURY - separation between the church and state reduced the influence of the church over sexual matters and morals
  • 20TH CENTURY - pregnancy was controlled by natural and artificial contraception
  • 20TH CENTURY - increased incidence of sexually transmitted diseases because of risky sexual activities.
  • 20th Century - rise of feminism (employment, home life)
  • 20th Century - overtime, it led to today’s view of what is considered sexually normal.
  • BIOLOGICAL - it is the brain that initializes and organizes sexual behavior.
  • Biological - starts with the body being prepared
  • What characteristics is this?
    Secondary characteristics
  • What characteristics is this ?
    Primary characteristics
  • Biological - reproductive organs are being prepared for functional maturity
  • chromosomes - threadlike structures composed of genes
  • 22 pairs are called autosomes
    23rd pair (sex chromosomes) determines the sex
  • Natural selection - the process by which organisms that are best suited for their environment are most likely to survive.
  • SOCIOBIOLOGICAL - traits that lead to reproductive advantage tend to be passed on and maladaptive traits are lost.
  • SOCIOBIOLOGICAL - beauty is more than just a cultural standard. It is an evolutionary standard used to attract best male or best female.
  • Women with big breasts – produce more milk and ensures offspring’s survival.
  • Men with broad shoulders and muscles – ensure safety and security for offspring
  • Survival - is the goal of evolutionary perspective but what’s important is the love, care and responsibility each gender has for each other.
  • PSYCHOLOGICAL - sexuality involves emotions
  • Freud’s sex instinct - pleasure principle of the ID, EGO, SUPEREGO
  • Erogenous zones – areas of pleasure in the body
  • 5 psychosexual stages of development:
    ● Oral – eating, sucking
    ● Anal – urinating, defecating
    ● Phallic – sexual attraction towards opposite sex parent
    ● Latency – sexual impulses become dormant, preoccupied with social activities
    ● Genital – sexual attraction to others