How close a measurement is to truevalue of quantity being measured. Is not quantifiable; measurement values may be moreaccurate or lessaccurate.
How closely a set of measurementvaluesagree with eachother. Gives noindication of how closemeasurements are to truevalue.
Closeness of agreementbetweenresults of successivemeasurements of samequantity being measured, carried out under sameconditions of measurement.
Closeness of agreementbetweenresults of measurements of samequantity being measured, carried out underchangedconditions of measurement.
True value
Value, or range of values, that would be found if quantity could be measuredperfectly.
A measurement is to be valid if it measureswhatitissupposed to be measuring. Refers to how wellresultsamong the studyparticipantsrepresenttruefindingsamongsimilarindividuals outside of a study.
Internal validity
Psychologicalinvestigation said to be internallyvalid if it investigates what it setsout and/or claims to investigate.
External validity
Psychologicalinvestigation said to be externallyvalid if results of research can be appliedtosimilarindividuals in differentsetting.
Measurement error
Difference between measuredvalue and truevalue of whatisbeingmeasured.
Personal error
Mistakes, miscalculations, observererrors when conductingresearch.
Random errors
Affect precision of measurement and are present in allmeasurementsexcept for measurementsinvolvingcounting. Are unpredictablevariations in measurement process and result in spread of readings.
Systematic errors
Affect accuracy of a measurement. Cause readings to differ from truevalue by consistentamount or by sameproportion each time measurement is made.
Lack of exactknowledge of value of the quantity being measured.
Readings that lie a long way from other results.
Controlled variable
Variables a researcher holds constant (controls) in investigation. Are notpart of investigationitself – is neitherindependent nor dependentvariable, nor same as a controlgroup.
Independent variable
Variable for which quantities are manipulated (controlled, selected or changed) by researcher, and variable that's assumed to have a directeffect on dependentvariable.
Dependent variable
Variableresearchermeasures, after selectingindependentvariable that is assumed to affect the dependentvariable.
Extraneous variable
Anyvariable that's notindependentvariable but mayaffectresults (dependent variable) of research.
Confounding variable
Variables that have affectedresults (dependentvariable), apart from independentvariable. May have been an extraneousvariable that hasn't been controlled for, or can be type of variable that can't be controlled for.