The study of the tissues of the body and how these tissues are arranged to constitute organs, also called Microscopic anatomy or Microanatomy
Derived from the French word "tissu" which means "weave or texture"
Prior to the late 1700s, "tissue" did not refer to organic, cellular layers, but rather to anything woven or textured
Came into usage in the English language in the late 1700s, coined by the French scientist Bichat
Bichat was the first to propose that tissue is a central element in human anatomy
Bichat's work was done without a microscope
Other scientists of that period made use of the microscope that had been much improved by the efforts of the Dutch scientist Leeuwenhoek, to delve more deeply into the nature of the weaves or tissues that Bichat had described
First microscopes
Constructed in the Netherlands during the late 1500s
Magnification 3 - 9X, images poor
Robert Hooke examined cork with a microscope and found it was composed of tiny "chambers"
Hooke called these chambers cells because they reminded him of the small rooms or chambers found in monasteries that, at that time, were described by the the latin word "cella"
Hooke published this information, as well as the results of other microscopic research he had performed in his Micrographia
Cell Theory
Schleiden and Schwann independently hypothesized that all plant and animal tissues are composed of cells, and that cells were the "ultimate" units of living organisms
Further study revealed that these small cells contained even smaller structures in their cytoplasm
Initially only the nucleus (nut) of the cell was noted, but it soon became obvious that there was an even smaller structure within the nucleus that was given the name "nucleolus" which means "small nut"
Stains were not used to examine cells in these early studies, scientists using the microscope relied entirely on differences in refractive index to make structures in tissues visible
Various stains were introduced to increase contrast, e.g. Basophil - granules contain heparin and histamine
Interwoven masses of cells and extra cellular material
Living, more or less self-sufficient entities that form tissues, surrounded by a membrane
Membrane bound structures within cells (e.g. mitochondria, golgi bodies, lysosomes)
Various non-membrane bound structures within cells (e.g. glycogen granules)
Tissue structure
How cells combine together with extracellular material and each other to form a tissue
Cellular structure
How a cell is shaped, and how the components inside cells are organized to support that cells specific function
Sub-cellular structure
Detailed analysis of organelles and inclusions
Histochemical structure
Molecular analysis of cellular structure
Molecules and structures in cells
Energy storage molecules (lipid, protein, carbohydrate)
Structural molecules (phospholipids, cholesterol, proteins like tubulin, actin, myosin)
Information molecules (DNA, RNA)
Catalysts, reaction initiators (enzymes)
Antigenicity (interaction of cell molecular structure with immunoglobulins)
Friedrich GustavJacobHenle is credited with creating the first "histology" that was based on a detailed examination of tissues with the microscope
Henle developed a classification for epithelia: pavement - squamous, cylindrical - cuboidal or columnar, ciliated - having cilia
Henle also recognized that the epithelium lining the bladder changed shape as the bladder filled - what we call a transitional epithelium today
Henle was also an anatomist and cytologist - many anatomical, tissue and cellular structures are named after him
4 basic types of tissue
Epithelial tissue
Connective tissue
Muscle tissue
Nervous tissue
Differences among 4 Tissue Classes
Types and functions of cells
Characteristics of the matrix (extracellular material)
Relative amount of space occupied by cells versus matrix
Embryonic Tissues
Embryo begins as a single cell that divides into many cells that form layers (strata)
Three primary germ layers: ectoderm, endoderm, mesoderm
Knowledge of cell structure and organization helps with analyzing histological sections under the microscope
Staining patterns differ according to the histochemical properties which are brought about by the molecular structures that mainly make up a tissue
pH of some organelles can also dictate staining process
Fibers and filaments are also important to histological examinations
Envelops every eukaryotic cell, functions as a selective barrier, keeps constant the ion content, and facilitates interactions of the cell with its environment
Plasma Membrane
Contains integrins, glycolipids, phospholipids, cholesterol, and transmembrane proteins
Fluidmosaicmodel of membrane structure
Describes the structure and function of the plasma membrane
The command center of the cell, contains the molecular machinery to replicate the DNA and to synthesize and process all types of RNA