Lesson 1

Cards (25)

  • eclipse occurs when one heavenly body such as moon or planet moves into the shadow of other heavenly body.
  • during lunar eclipse, earth blocks sunlight from reaching the moon. Earth casts a shadow onto the moon.
  • during a solar eclipse, the moon blocks the sunlight to earth. the moon also casts a shadow onto earth.
  • Greeks are the first to realize that earth is round by the three observations
    • Ship
    • Star and Constellations
    • Shadow of Earth during eclipse
  • Oblate Spheroid is the shape of the earth.
  • Phytagoras proposed a spherical earth, mainly on Aesthetic Grounds rather than any physcial evidence.
  • Sphere was the most perfect shape.
  • By just looking at the moon, Aristotle concluded that all heavenly objects including earth must be sphere.
  • Aristotle observed that there were starts in Egypt that can't be seen in Cyprus.
  • Aristotle's Argument 1 states that sphere was a perfect solid and heavens were regions of perfections because they were symmetrical.
  • Geocentric is when heavenly objects all orbiting the earth inside of Eudoxus' spheres.
  • Heavens represented a higher state of being and were therefore made perfect more than the earth.
  • Heavens are perfect and made up of fifth element, that is Ether.
  • Sphere had the center of all directions.
  • In Aristotle's Argument 2, Earths' component pieces are falling naturally towards the center, would later press into a round form.
  • If enough material were accumulated on the surface of the earth, it would begin to curve and form a sphere due to Gravitational Attraction towards the center.
  • In Aristotle's Argument 3, an eclipse of the moon, Earth's shadow is always circular— a flat disc would cast an Oval Shadow.
  • In Aristotle's Argument 4, the polestar is higher in the sky.
  • In Aristotle's Argument 4, the polestar is higher in the sky.
  • Greeks observed changes in the attitude of stars and even new stars appearing in the local horizon which were not visible from their homeland.
  • Aristotle argued that earth could not be flat since all observers on a flat earth have exactly the same local horizon.
  • The first person to discover the Earth's Circumference was Eratosthenis.
  • Erathosthenis combined geometrical calculations with physical observations.
  • Astronomy is a science that studies determination of the positions dimensions and movements of the celestial bodies.
  • Astronomy is the oldest of the natural sciences