igmet final

Cards (87)

  • How do we know earth has layers?
    seismic tomography
  • how do we know of earth's composition?
  • What earthly rocks are closest to chondritic meteorites?
  • lithophile
  • siderophile
  • chalcophile
  • kimberlite
    a bunch of xenoliths
  • xenolith
    fragment of rock from the crust and upper mantle carried near the surface through volcanic eruptions
  • volatile
    substances easily evaporated
  • heat sources in earth
    early accretion, radioactive breakdown
  • heat transfer
    radiation, conduction, convection, advection
  • abyssal peridotites
  • primary minerals

    directly crystallized from melt
  • secondary melt

    anything formed after
  • viscosity is inversely proportional to diffusion rate of ions
  • gibb's free energy decreases as temperature increases
  • gibb's phase rule
    F=1 on phase change lines, F=2 anywhere, F=0 on eutectic and peritectic point
  • the last melt to crystallize and the first to melt is the eutectic point
  • dry melting

  • wet melting

  • hot-spots
  • pahoehoe
    ropy lava
  • aa
    clumpy lava
  • pillow
    lava under water
  • volcanic eruptions
    hawaiian, strombolian, vulcanian, plinian, pelean, caldera
  • volcanic products(tephra)
    ash, lapilli, bombs, pumice
  • volcanic architecture
    caldera, composite, fissure, cinder cones
  • lithophiles are in the crust because they are highly compatible to fluid phase
  • chondrites are igneous, because they form with no pressure
  • polymerization
    molecule size
  • ways to classify igneous rocks
    composition, texture, mineralogy
  • peridotite are made through
    adiabetic melting
  • sources of mantle
    ophiolites, dredge samples, nodules, xenoliths, kimberlites
  • fertile mantle
  • positive clapeyron slope
    volume and entropy is positive (ice->vapor)
  • how to melt mantle?
    increase temp, decrease pressure, add volatiles
  • komatiite
    very hot ultramafic melts that formed in the Archean
  • magma differentiation processes
    create a compositional difference, preserve the chemical difference
  • RCMP
    1% = permeable and interconnected network
  • fractional crystallization
    melt will evolve to low Ca, Mg, Fe but high Na, K; more felsic