Cards (135)

  • Hypertonic environment
    Cell has a lower concentration of solutes; higher water potential than surrounding extracellular fluid
  • Osmosis
    Diffusion of water
  • Erythrocyte in hypertonic solution

    • Crenate, become distorted in shape
  • Hypotonic environment
    Cell has a higher concentration of solutes than the solution outside the cell which causes the cell to well
  • Isotonic environment
    Cell has equal concentration with the solution outside the cell
  • Membrane proteins
    • Act as enzymes and receptor sites; function for chemical transport, intercellular communication, cell-to-cell recognition, and attachment to the cytoskeleton and extracellular matrix
  • Formation and transport of vesicles
    1. Secretory proteins assembled by ribosomes on rough ER, extruded into ER channels
    2. Enzymes in smooth ER modify some proteins
    3. Proteins pass through channels to Golgi body
    4. Proteins encapsulated in vesicles by Golgi body
    5. Vesicles pass through cytoplasm, fuse with plasma membrane and release contents
  • Lymphocytes
    Subclass of white blood cells divided into B-lymphocytes and T-lymphocytes
    1. lymphocytes
    Secrete antibodies for humoral immune response, binding to antigen and destroying it
  • Non-specific defenses

    • Surface barriers
    • Defensive chemical cells
    • Cellular and chemical defenses like neutrophils and interferons
    1. lymphocytes
    Processed in the thymus, initiate attack on foreign bodies
  • Cell-mediated response

    Accomplished by T-lymphocytes, involves attacking virally infected cells and cancer cells
  • Mutation
    Alteration of the form of a particular gene or chromosome that results in a new trait to be inherited
  • Frameshift mutation
    The whole frame of the genetic sequence is changed
  • Frameshift mutation
    • Insertion of "I"
  • Point mutation

    Only one nucleotide is modified to become another nucleotide
  • Point mutation
  • Types of point mutation

    • Silent mutation - causes no change in protein activity
    • Missense mutation - results in change of protein activity
    • Nonsense mutation - results in shorter, non-functional protein
  • Population density
    Population size per unit area/volume
  • Factors affecting population density
    • Density-dependent factors - intensify as population increases
    • Density-independent factors - not related to population size
  • Homeostasis
    Ability to maintain a stable internal environment
  • Development
    Transform from immature to mature functional form
  • Adaptation
    Structural modification in organisms that enables them to adjust to a changing environment
  • Growth
    Irreversible increase in number, size and/or number of cells
  • Meristems
    • Procambium - develops into vascular tissue
    • Protoderm - develops into surface/dermal tissues
    • Ground meristems - produces fundamental/ground tissues
    • Cork cambium - produces protective bark layer
  • Five kingdoms
    • Monera
    • Protista - water mold
    • Fungi - yeast, mushroom, bread mold
    • Plantae
    • Animalia - shark, milkfish, turtle, snake
  • Vitiligo
    Disorder where melanocytes are unable to function, resulting in white patches on skin
  • Albinism
    Chromosomal mutation resulting in cessation or decline of melanin production
  • Dihybrid cross
    Cross involving two traits
  • Mendelian Laws of Inheritance
    Traits will segregate and assort independently
  • Genotype
    Genetic makeup or genes of an individual
  • Allele
    One of the alternative pair of genes, may be dominant or recessive
  • Dominant allele

    Masks the effect of the recessive allele, represented by capital letter
  • Recessive allele

    Masked by the dominant allele, represented by small letter
  • Phenotype
    Physical appearance of an individual dictated by the genotype
  • Antigen
    Any substance foreign to a body that evokes an immune response
  • Antibody
    Proteins produced by B cells after antigen stimulation, act specifically against the antigen
  • Blood types

    • Type A - has antigen A, antibody against B
    Type B - has antigen B, antibody against A
    Type AB - has antigens A and B, no antibody
    Type O - has no antigen, antibody against A and B
  • Prokaryotes
    Do not have nuclear membrane, DNA exposed to cytoplasm; includes bacteria and blue-green algae
  • Developmental biology
    Gametogenesis -> Fertilization -> Cleavage -> Gastrulation -> Organogenesis -> Growth and histological differentiation