Cards (24)

  • Basic Principles of Graphics and Layout

    • Balance - elements are evenly arranged.
    • Rhythm - Capturing or making repetitive patterns
    • Emphasis - giving focus to some elements.
    • Proximity and Unity - Elements are placed together
    • Proportion - Relative sizes or scales of the elements
    • Variety - the photograph must contain different principles
  • Kinds of Camera Shots

    • Long Shot (Wide Shot) - Subject’s entire body. Can be used to showcase the whole place or the background environment.
    • Medium Shot - Framed from the knees or waist up from the subject.
    • Close-Up - Subject’s face occupies most of the frame.
    • Extreme Close-Up - Capture details in subject’s face.
    • High Angle Shot - Camera is raised above the subject.
    • Low Angle Shot - Camera is closer to the ground.
  • Image File Formats

    • JPG/JPEG - complex images and photographs that include lots of colors
    • GIF - showcase animation
    • PNG - transparency effect of images
  • Adobe Photoshop Basic Tools

    • Move Tool - Move layer/area.
    • Lasso Tool - allows you to draw a free-handed choice border around the object you wish to pick out in your image.
    • Marquee Tool - you can make a rectangular shaped selection or geometric shapes
    • Crop Tool - allows you to choose an area of an image and discard everything outside this area.
    • Clone Stamp Tool - you have to copy the same detail and color from one part of a picture to a different space image. You can usually use this to restore a missing part of a picture by cloning
    • Type Tool - add text
  • Online Platforms

    Group of technologies especially created to support other technologies in the online environment
  • Basic Principles and Elements of Web Design

    • Uniqueness - not appear as a duplicate of other website.
    • Simplicity - only what is needed.
    • Consistency - page of the website must be uniform
    • Understandability - Text are readable
    • Platform Compatibility - easily accessed and navigated in different platforms and devices
  • Roles in Online Collaboration

    • Team Manager - Oversees how the entire team operates.
    • Editorial Manager - determines who will be the content writers, content producers, and designer.
    • Content Curator - Suggests inputs on what content will be included in the project.
    • Content Syndicator - Enables the content to be shared to external sites or third-party sites or even social media.
    • Analytics Expert - Studies the data and ensure that the content is achieving its objectives.
    • Website Manager - Makes the content available to public.
  • Advocacy
    Intentional activity that aims to promote a particular cause to change policy or stop an unjust situation
  • Developmental Communication

    A process that is not done alone by the person who initiates it, but by all stakeholders who are proactive and involved
  • Examples of Advocacy
    • Environmental Advocacy
    • Social Justice Advocacy
    • Animal Welfare Advocacy
    • Healthcare Advocacy
    • Education Advocacy
    • Human Rights Advocacy
    • Criminal Justice Reform Advocacy
  • ICT as a Medium of Advocacy and Communication

    • Facebook - allows democratic exchange of ideas to certain issues publicly
    • Instagram - both support image and video
    • Twitter - you can create hashtags to raise awareness
    • YouTube - moving images with audio that caters a large of audience
  • Vital Principles in Advocacy and Developmental Communication
    • Define your goal - know the purpose of the advocacy
    • Know your audience - different characteristics, you should know them well
    • Craft your message strategically - Be audience centered, clear and simple, and focused.
    • Identify the messenger - choose the right face, because the audience will remember who speaks.
  • Benefits of Social Media
    • Reaches the world inexpensively
    • Engages and brings people together
    • Informs and educates the people of the world
    • Awakens creativity and criticality
    • Creates opportunity to better the lives of people
  • Elements of Digital Citizenship
    • Access - fair access to internet, and technology.
    • Digital Commerce - Etransactions such as banking industry, paying bills online, credit card and etc.
    • Digital Communication - promotes freedom of speech through democratic exchange of communication.
    • Digital Literacy - being able to use technology in the right situation, and its proper use to improve lives.
  • Vital Principles in Advocacy and Developmental Communication 2
    • Identify the delivery method - what social media platform to use?
    • Identify resources and gaps - SWOT Analysis, Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threats
    • Plan the next move - specific steps and smart goals
    • Evaluate effectiveness - based on evaluation, it improves the areas that need attention
  • Basic Principles and elements of web design 2
    • Visuality - Use appropriate color combination.
    • Interactivity - allows a visitor to interact or engage with the webpage (comments and discussion section)
    • Fast-Loading Capability - easily load on any device. Use only needed images, preferably optimized, to lessen the loading time of your website.
    • Accessibility - visitor can easily browse the different parts or pages of your website
    • Communicativeness - main objective is to communicate information.
  • Elements of Digital Citizenship 2
    • Etiquette - written and unwritten rules that create harmony and respect, and it Law - legal bases of cyber world to ensure privacy and protection.
    • Rights and Responsibilities - what is expected from a person using technology, responsible and cautious.
    • Health - pay importance to health and wellness, not just physically and mental.
    • Digital Security - update password and security measures.
  • Environmental Advocacy: This involves efforts to protect the environment and promote sustainability. It could include campaigns to reduce plastic pollution, preserve endangered species habitats, promote renewable energy, or advocate for policies that combat climate change.
  • Social Justice Advocacy: This encompasses efforts to address inequalities and injustices in society. It could involve advocating for racial equality, LGBTQ+ rights, gender equality, immigrant rights, disability rights, or economic justice.
  • Animal Welfare Advocacy: This involves advocating for the humane treatment of animals and promoting animal rights. It could include campaigns against animal cruelty, efforts to end animal testing, advocating for stronger animal protection laws, or promoting veganism or vegetarianism.
  • Healthcare Advocacy: This involves advocating for accessible, affordable, and high quality healthcare for all. It could include efforts to expand healthcare coverage, improve mental health services, combat diseases like HIV/AIDS or cancer, or promote public health initiatives such as vaccinations or smoking cessation programs.
  • Education Advocacy: This involves advocating for equitable access to education and educational opportunities. It could include campaigns to improve school funding, address disparities in educational achievement, promote literacy, support teachers, or advocate for inclusive education policies.
  • Human Rights Advocacy: This involves advocating for the protection and promotion of human rights around the world. It could include campaigns against torture, efforts to end human trafficking, advocacy for the rights of refugees and asylum seekers, or initiatives to promote freedom of speech and expression.
  • Criminal Justice Reform Advocacy: This involves advocating for fair and equitable treatment within the criminal justice system. It could include efforts to reform sentencing laws, address racial disparities in policing and incarceration, advocate for alternatives to incarceration, or promote rehabilitation and reintegration programs for ex-offenders.